Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy that recognizes the important link between the body’s structure and the way it functions. It is a holistic form of healthcare where practitioners consider how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, connective tissue, circulation and internal organs function together as a unit.
By taking the whole body into consideration, Osteopathic Manual Practitioners work to identify the cause of a client’s injury and treat more than just the symptoms. For example, a common presenting complaint is clients experiencing lower back pain. One would expect treatment to be focused locally at the back where the pain is occurring. However, via a detailed assessment, our Osteopathic Manual Practitioners will work to try to understand why the back began hurting in the first place. This may lead the practitioner to look at your feet and foot posture, knees or look at anterior tightness through the hips.
Our Osteopathic Manual Practitioners understand that the body is a complex functional unit where the musculoskeletal system is also closely related to and dependant on the circulatory, respiratory, neurological and lymphatic systems. Therefore, Osteopathic Manual Practitioners take into account all of these systems in order to formulate a holistic treatment plan.